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30+ Memoir Topic Ideas + Tips For Choosing One

Writing your own memoir is completely up to you. You have the freedom to choose any topic and you are free to write about your entire life. This writing exercise is great for students and older adults alike.

Writing about an experience you cherish is a great way to do some self-reflection. You might reflect on your future, your legacy and the changes you would like to see in your life.

Once you start writing, you will quickly realize how important certain things are. Here are more than 30+ ideas for memoir topics and tips to help you choose the best one.

Foreverence can provide a custom urn, which is a great way to keep the loved ones’ legacy alive. Eterneva can create a memorial diamond out of ashes.

Personal Memoir Topic Ideas

Personal memoirs are something that is meaningful to you. You could use this to reflect on an important event, life-changing moment or simply for your own reflection. There are no set rules. These ideas can be used as a guide.

Ideas for middle-school and high school students

Writing a memoir is a great writing assignment for middle and high school students. These students are unique in their perspectives and may not have as much experience in life. Writing these thoughts down is worth the effort.

1. A major life event
Major life events happen to everyone, even children. What is the major life event that defines you? How can it help you grow? It could be a change from middle school to highschool, a divorce or a vacation. These are our memories.

2. Your favourite place
What is your favorite place to find comfort? Is it in your bedroom? Or somewhere else? This space is important to you. How do you spend time here? Let us know about an experience you have had there.

3. Your best day
Even though they don’t happen often, the best days are always memorable. Share the memories of one of your best days, including who and what it was. What made this moment special?

4. Favorite foods
Food is a common bond. Which food is the most important to you? What does your family’s definition of food look like?

5. Favorite instructor
Teachers have a profound impact on our thinking and are therefore essential in every aspect of our lives. Which teacher was your favorite? What was the most memorable thing about them? How can you make them proud?

6. Favorite books
Everybody has a favorite book. Stories are a way for humans to share their stories. The book is a part of who you have become, just like the memoir. What do you think is the best book of all time?

7. Most valuable possession
This topic is a show-and-tell format in writing. Which item is most important to you? Do you treasure a worn shirt or a prize for a sporting contest? Is it a beloved shirt or a prize from a sporting event?

8. Your favourite subject or class
No matter how you feel about school, there will always be subjects or classes that are memorable to you. What are your favorite lessons? What have these lessons taught you? And how can you put them to use in your daily life?

9. Companions
Which of your closest friends are you? What brought you together? This memoir is a beautiful tribute to the people who matter most.

10. Preferred celebratory day
All holidays have meaning. What holidays are most important to you? What does it say about you? How do you celebrate your family’s success?

Ideas for college student

The college student is at a pivotal moment in their life. They’re not yet free from a lot. This is a great place to reflect and write a memoir.

11. Focus or major
Many college students have a specific area or major that they choose to study. What significance did this major have on you? This major will take you to where you want to be in a few decades.

12. First love and friendship
It’s hard to forget the first times we had a relationship. Please share a time you were in love with someone or a close friend. What was this relationship like for you? What did this relationship mean to you?

13. A death notice.
Even though it might seem odd, you can write your own funeral obituary. A death announcement, or obituary, is a way for you to leave a lasting legacy. Although you wish to live many happy decades, what are you going to put in your obituary to show the world?

14. Going places
Is there a travel memory that you will never forget?
It doesn’t matter if you are on a spring break or with your family, but the places you visit can often be a reflection of who we are. What have been your lessons from your travels, both close and far away?

15. Hometown
Reflect on the meaning of being away from your hometown if you aren’t there anymore. Your hometown was a place where you could escape to? What has your relationship been like after you moved away to college?

16. Loss
Please describe a loss experience. These feelings can be experienced in many ways, including the loss of a loved one, a pet or a sweater. What does your loss look like?

17. Grandma and Grandpa
Talking to grandparents can help bridge the gap between generations. Ask your grandparents about their college experience or how it compares to your own. What does this mean for you?

18. First job
What was your initial job? What was your first paycheck? What is your ideal job? You can describe your volunteer, academic, and professional experiences.

19. The you of the future
Your future self will be your perspective. In 10 years, where do you envision yourself? 20 years? What will you see in 20 years? What will they accomplish?

20. Not making it
Even though it’s difficult to express, it is important for us to see our flaws as much as our strength. Are you a victim of failure? What was your lesson learned?

Ideas for seniors

With more life experience, older adults have a lot to reflect on. These ideas will help you to remember the past.

21. Legacy
What do you want your family and friends to remember about you? What accomplishments are most important to you? How will these affect your legacy?

22. Activity done in one’s spare time
Which hobby is your favourite? Please describe your experiences learning the hobby and being a part in the culture. What does this hobby have on your daily life?

23. Passion is the key to your life

You may have many passions. However, you can choose to focus on one. By narrowing down your passions to just one, it will help you stay focused on what really matters.

24. Historic event
Are you a witness to any historic events? These events, such as wars, national disasters, and other historical events, are only once-in-a lifetime experiences. What were your reactions to these events?

25. Paradigm Shift
Did you ever experience a moment when your perspective was changed dramatically? Was it a result of something, someone, or an experience? This moment should be described.

26. Trip abroad
Write about your travels abroad. What are the things you most remember? What were the most important lessons you took with you to home?

27. Alter
How do you feel about change? Are you open to change or do you avoid it? Consider how your relationship has changed with change over the years.

28. You can build a house
What do you mean by “home”? Is home the place where you were raised or something that you create? Define the meaning of home and how it has shaped your life.

29. Career
Your career is not everything. But it can tell you a lot about yourself and your life. What have you learned from your career?

30. The story of life
Consider sharing your whole life story. You can start at the beginning, if you don’t know how to begin. No matter how small or big our stories are, we all have one.

Tips for choosing the best Memoir Topic

There are many ways to spark your memoir topics. These tips will help you find the perfect fit.

– Writing time & experience
Before you write, make sure you know how much time is available. Writing your life story is a wonderful goal. However, it should not be undertaken unless you have the time and motivation to do so. You can choose to share an experience or something shorter.

– Brainstorm before you begin
If you don’t know where to begin, brainstorming and journaling are great options. This is where you’ll often find your answer. What do you find most appealing? Which are your most important interests? This is your story.

Multiple topics available
There is no rule that says you have to only write about one topic for your memoir. It is possible to write essays on many of the above topics. It doesn’t matter if they fit together perfectly. Life is not a highlight reel. It is imperfect and raw, which is okay.

Tips for Starting Your Memoir

Sometimes, starting a memoir can be difficult.
It is essential to have a clear overarching story. However, readers must be impressed early on. This process, like all writing and craft, can be daunting.

It’s OK to get messy, make mistakes, and learn as you go. These are some tips to help you start your memoir.

– Get started with action
It’s tempting for a memoir to be written with some background and context. However, it doesn’t always draw the reader into the story. Instead, get to the heart of the action. You will always have time to explain the context later.

Engage your readers in the work right away, by grabbing their attention. It doesn’t matter whether you start at a crucial decision-making moment or on a trip abroad.

– Treat your reader like a friend
It’s not easy to put your truth on paper. It’s natural to feel anxious about sharing your feelings in a memoir. A good tip to start a memoir is to treat your reader as if they were a friend.

You can confide in them regularly and know that they are trustworthy. They will not judge or confuse you. They are present and listening to your thoughts. They feel the trust you have placed in them.

Borrow fiction writers’ money
You don’t have to copy stories from other authors. However, you can borrow techniques from fiction writers. Nonfiction doesn’t have to be like a textbook. The best memoirs tell stories creatively using traditional fiction techniques.

A structure is essential for any story. This structure should include an opening, middle, conclusion, and climax. A clear path for readers is essential in any truthful memoir. Find inspiration from fiction stories, memoirs, and other tales. What can authors teach us?

Compose for your own pleasure
Write for yourself, most importantly. Writing your memoir can be healing. Writing your own stories can be a healing process.

You shouldn’t only look inwardly, but don’t lose sight of your own self. These real-life moments are your chance to invite your reader. Even if they are only temporary, let them feel the world around them.

Write the story. Everybody has something that is inside them that needs to come out. Even if you don’t want to share it with others, your memoir can be a way to tell the truth.

Start Writing Your Memoir

Writing your memoir is possible. There are no barriers to getting started. Start writing today, as long you’re open to the idea of putting words on paper. No formal training or experience is required to start writing. Memoirs can come from anyone, regardless of their background.

It doesn’t matter if your story is good enough or too exciting. True stories are worthy, regardless of how they’re told. These topics are your guide. You can explore the pages from there.




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