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Home » A Look At The Misuse Of Technology In 2015 By The Younger Generation

A Look At The Misuse Of Technology In 2015 By The Younger Generation

What were the activities of children during the 1200s? They enjoyed playing hopscotch outside and the natural beauty of the outdoors. What are children doing with their spare time in 2015? They can stare at their phones for hours or scroll through their social media. The technology revolution has shaped society into a new world we could not have imagined. Technology has made it so that humans are dependent on it and rarely leave the house without it. Saint Louis University’s entire north campus was without power last night. Nearly every student at the university reacted quickly, saying they couldn’t do their homework and could not study due to the outage. Generation Z, which is defined as those born between mid-1990s-2000s, does not realize that 30 years ago students had no computers and were still able do their studies. This dependency on technology by young people is a big problem that must not be allowed to continue. Technology can positively impact both individuals and societies in many ways. However, young people and their parents may abuse technology. Parents should limit children’s access to technology, control what they play and ensure that technology is only used for educational purposes.

The majority of children in America spend their days using technology. This could be detrimental to their development. Kaiser Family Foundation conducted a study and found that the average time spent on entertainment media by 8- to 18-year olds is 7 hours, 38 minutes (7.38). This amounts to more than 53 hours per week (Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation). Although the 2010 research is somewhat outdated, it shows that technology has made the average media consumption per person more than twice as high. While technology can have positive educational and social benefits, it could also lead to dependence on the internet or other mental health issues. Children are easily distracted from their early years. Children need to be doing something or seeking attention from other people when they are not paying attention. This could explain why kids obsessively use smartphones and tablets as distractions. There are so many fun and cute games that you can play. The Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics states that “Use of social media to distract children from their daily activities such as driving to work, going to school, or eating out is becoming a very common tool for behavioral regulation” (Radensky and Schumacher, Zuckerman). According to the journal, parents have begun to allow their children to use technology to distract them. This can lead to better self-control and help with problem solving. Children will have different views on their work and social lives as they grow up. Parents can restrict the time, how often, and what children use their devices for. It is possible for a parent to allow their children access to their smartphone for just an hour per week, as opposed giving them their iPad when they turn five. This will give them 24/7 access. Many TV commercials advertise that children should ask their parents for permission before accessing the internet. But how many children actually do this? Anderson, Buckley, Gentile. Parents can also restrict their child’s time spent on smart media by not giving them anything. Children younger than 7 years old do not have to play “Clash Of Clans” more than 4 hours per day. The parents can make the most of their children’s time on mobile media and spend time with them, building a loving relationship early in their child’s childhood. Finally, parents can remove technology from their children’s hands if they choose.

Most people will agree that technology has made it possible for humans to advance and become more efficient. Technology has allowed us to think faster, accomplish daily tasks and gain more information. Why is it so bad for children? Technology used for education and technology used to provide leisure have big differences. Sesame streets and other interactive learning devices like Leapfrog are examples of how technology is used to enhance the attention span, social abilities, and development in younger children (Lillard, Peterson, 1). It is a great way to help your child develop their social skills and learn. SpongeBob Squarepants and other TV shows can slow down the development of children and increase their social anxiety and distraction. A Journal of Pediatrics study found that children who watched SpongeBob Squarepants (the most popular children’s TV show) performed significantly worse than children who were exposed to it (1). It is impossible to predict how much technology technology will be available for children once they are older.

Conclusion: Children who abuse technology can have long-term consequences such as distraction, inability to socialize with others, and aggressive behaviours. This is a problem that many parents don’t know about, and it should be addressed. Technology has the potential to improve our society’s productivity, increase our knowledge and allow us to make progress. Technology is key to our world’s growth in 2015. Businesses continue to develop new technology to appeal to consumers. Too much technology can cause brain problems, particularly in children. These deficiencies can be eliminated if parents are clear about how to use technology for education.




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