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Nature Vs Nurture In Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood

Alcoholism can be a problem in the family. Alcoholism affects both the health of alcohol consumers and those around them. The Glass Castle, Jeannette walls’ memoir, illustrates the devastating effects alcoholism takes on families. Rex Walls’s alcoholism causes him to become emotionally distant from his family and neglect them. He is also unable to maintain a career and support his family due to his alcoholism. Rex’s alcoholism also makes him act irrationally, which is not only harmful to his family but also traumatizing. Rex Walls’s alcoholism impacts the Walls’s emotionally, psychologically, and financially.

Rex Walls becomes unreliable and distant to his children when he begins to drink excessively. Jeannette at first looks up her father. She believes his fantasies and idealistic predictions about the near future. He tells her of his dreams of becoming wealthy and creating a castle made out glass for the whole family. Jeannette begins to doubt her fathers claims as she becomes more aware of his drinking. “I tried to encourage Dad, hoping that he would be true but was pretty sure he wasn’t” (Walls 172). She starts to lose her faith, and even advises that her mother leave him. Jeannette’s siblings Lori & Brian aren’t as close and more likely to notice his flaws than Jeannette. Rex Walls disappears from his family for long periods of time. Jeannette, for example, does not inform her father when she is jumped by local bullies and beaten. He is usually drunk. Jeannette’s siblings do not often see Rex and think he is unreliable. Rex Walls, due to his alcoholism is not a good father. Jeannette Brian Lori Maureen, this distance continues to grow into adulthood. Jeannette, Brian Lori Maureen, are emotionally neglected and do not receive the proper nurturing.

Rex Walls is not only a burden to his family, but also financially. Walls says that the mob was to blame for him losing his job. He claimed, “The best place in which to gather intelligence was the bars owned and operated by the mobsters” (Walls 111). He spends most of his time drinking. However, this lack of income is a major problem for the children. They are forced to ration food or even steal from their classmates. In addition, the family must live in a poor environment. The Walls family’s house in Little Hobart Street has no heating and is decrepit. Jeannette’s siblings and she burn coal from the streets to stay warm in the winter, but it isn’t enough. Brian declares that this house does not have any insulation. “All the heat goes right through the rooftop” (Walls 161). The Walls’ household experiences freezing temperatures due to the insufficient housing and lack of heating. Brian Walls’ pet lizard died one night from the extreme cold. Rex Walls is unable to earn money and spends it all. Rex squanders Jeannette’s budget when she sets a strict limit for food. He also spends his two days’ supply of food on cigarettes and beer. They are forced to live in extreme conditions and starve, but they also learn independence and self-sustainability. Rex Walls has had a devastating impact on their lives. It is harmful and can be avoided.

Rex Walls’ alcoholic behaviour affects not only the characters of The Glass Castle financially and emotionally, but also their family. Rex Walls acts violently and irrationally when he is drunk. As an example, a family might celebrate Christmas by attending church, decorating the home, and exchanging gifts. Rex Walls is drunk, and spoils the whole experience. He interrupts church and burns the Christmas Tree. Jeannette writes in Walls that, “When Dad became crazy, all of us had our ways of shutting ourselves down.” Jeannette was at a critical point where she lost her trust in Rex. This is an example of the psychological effects that alcoholism has on a child. Rex also goes “crazy”, when he attacks Jeannette’s mom, throwing silverware and furniture. Jeannette and Brian are left scarred by this moment. These moments of terror and humiliation will stay with Jeannette for life.

The Glass Castle is Jeannette Walls novel in which alcoholism has an important role and affects each family member, especially Jeannette Brian Lori. His alcoholism keeps him emotionally away from his children. In terms of finances, it makes him unable to support his family and causes them to suffer from poverty. Jeannette Walls, as well her siblings and family members are traumatized and embarrassed by his violent and unpredictable behavior. Rex Walls is a heavy drinker and his alcoholism has many negative effects on those around him. Rex Walls’ alcohol addiction is not just what killed him at the end but also affects his family emotionally, economically, and mentally.




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