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Memoir Writing Prompts

Memoirs are personal accounts of life experiences or periods that have shaped or influenced you in some manner. Here are some ideas and prompts for memoir writing. Also, you can find tips and links to help with writing.

Memoir Topics and Prompts
It can be anything you want, any information about you that you are willing to share with the world. Let these topics and ideas inspire you to start writing if you feel the need.

The Most Amazing Thing That Ever Happened To You
Everybody has a memory of an event or series of events from their lives. These events could be those that make us unique or change our perception of ourselves. It could have been a road trip with your best friend. You might have saved someone’s lives or helped someone save yours. It could have been a chance to meet a hero or an opportunity to move to another place. Think about the most influential or interesting experience you have had in your life. What made this experience so memorable? Did you take something away from it? Are there any regrets? What did it define you? What was your impression of it?

Significant occurrences in one’s life
Consider the milestones you’ve reached in your life. Have you gotten married? Are you a veteran of the military? Graduated from high school/college? A child or more? You might think about your first major loss. These major life events can have an impact on your life. Did they change your perspective? Do you think they have? If so, how?

You are what makes you unique
For ideas on how to write a memoir, think about your personal definition. Think about how you would describe yourself if you had to create a character sketch. Your personality is more important than your physical appearance. What is your definition of yourself? Who is in your family? Your family? Your job? Where are you from? What has influenced your life? What can these people or things reveal about you?

In Your Dreams
Are you able to recall a memory from the past through dreams? Perhaps you can recall the sights and smells or the people associated with those times. Do you have a reason to dream of going back to this area? These memories are good or bad? Are these happy memories relevant to your current life or are they a time that you have forgotten about? You can vividly describe the time and what it taught you.

Memoir Topics
Many of the best ideas are born from a single subject. A single idea can be interpreted as many things by many people, and lead to many stories. Find a topic you are passionate about and tell your story.

– Your favourite place
Your best and worst day(s).
– The most memorable teacher (s)
– Your most valuable possession
– A person you’ll always remember
– A thing about yourself or your life that you would like to change
– The proudest moment of your life
– Winter/summer/fall
– Cuisine
– Affection
– Books, music and sports
– My upbringing

Learn how to share your story in an engaging way.
Memoirs don’t need to be long or detailed like an autobiography. They can also focus on one topic or a series of memories. There are many ways to tell your story, but there are not any set rules.

Memoirs can often be told in first person. Writing your memoir should be written in a similar voice to your own. Imagine telling your story to a friend or relative.
– It is helpful to have objective views when telling complex stories. Find connections between your experiences and other aspects.
Remember that objectivity does not always imply complete factuality. Recalling involves a reconstruction act, which can sometimes involve forgetting some details or creating new ones. Your story should capture the essence, and fill in any memories gaps.
Consider your audience. Writing for publication is a good idea. Consider why you would like readers to read your story and who you would like to reach. Your readers will be engaged if you use descriptive language or literary devices.
Do not place too many restrictions on your writing. However, once it is finished, proofread and edit. Ask for feedback from professors or other writers.
Research the work of popular memoirists such as Jeanette Walls and Frank McCourt. The styles, subject matter, forms and impact of their stories are all important to consider.




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